Monday, December 16, 2013


A Psalm of Remembrance

Lady, we remember you, an exile in Babylon.

We seek the day of your liberation.

As an errant child, we have left the one who loves us dearly.

Your tears of longing for your children has washed the land.

Your sorrows at our travails brings sadness to your heart.

Goddess of hearth and home, we go to knock on your door and find it open.

Your hand is held out to us with no stipulations.
Take us back in and hold us in your heart.

We praise your name forever, Queen of Heaven.

A Psalm of Praise

Blessed Lady, you have protected me from the raging water.

Berucha at Asherah Elahotaynu.

Blessed Goddess, As a mother nurtures her child, you have fed my soul.

I sing praises to your holy Name, for no anger do you have for me.

Watch over me always as the mother bird hovers over her chicks.

Walk with me and guide me past the treacherous cliffs above the waters.

O lady, I praise your name forever.